What Moms Are Saying about the Lilu Massage Bra

What Moms Are Saying about the Lilu Massage Bra

Oct 08 , 2020


Team Lilu

We love hearing from moms who use the Lilu Massage Bra to pump hands-free. While every woman's breastfeeding journey will be different, we hop that hearing from other moms will help you get an idea of how our bra will help you pump more milk during each session.

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The Lilu Massage Bra is a one of a kind bra that has automate breast massagers! I was super intrigued when I heard about this since I massage my breasts every single time I pump and I just couldn’t imagine a product doing it as well as me. But to be honest, it works.

The first time I used the Lilu Massage Bra, I got two letdowns in one pump session! That RARELY happens for me and I have to be on the pump for longer than I’d like so having multiple letdowns in one session was amazing! 

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The Lilu Massage Bra is an amazing hands free pumping bra with automated massage that has helped me pump way more milk than I was able to before. It saves me time, energy and most importantly it allows me to store more milk for baby Zen.

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Major shout out to Lilu! Y’all, this pumping bra is insane. Lilu is the first pumping bra that offers hands free breast massage and if you’re a breastfeeding momma, you know how important breast massage is for milk supply!

Yesterday I woke up with a clogged duct in my right boob. Put this sucker on and pumped for about 12 mins and it eased up a ton. Super grateful for the mommas who go forth and engineer amazing products so the rest of us.

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Seriously amazing. It makes pumping a little more “spa” like. Massage and heat also increases milk production aka more efficient pumping. The bra is a little cumbersome, so not something I could wear for each pumping session but something that’s a “treat” for a pump session at the end of a long day.⁣

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My version of #netflixandchill

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Everyone, meet my new best friend: the Lilu Massage Bra! As you all know I’m back at work and decided to continue to pump for Asher. It’s way less often since he’s older, but some days I HAVE to for relief.

Last school year I naturally produced much more milk because Asher solely depended on it, and now (like I mentioned above) I’m pumping less so it’s extremely nice to have the help of the Lilu massage bra because its purpose is to give you the benefit of a breast massage without using your hands!

Massaging your breasts while pumping is important because it increases milk output and helps maintain milk supply in the long run. I highly recommend Lilu if you’re a pumping mama or will decide to in the future! 

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It's magic.  

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I knew I wanted to try breastfeeding, but wasn't sure how it would work out for me. I've heard so many stories, so I didn't have expectations with what would come to be with my journey. I just decided to see and adjust from there. ⁣

The Lilu Massage Bra is highly adjustable as your body changes. ⁣It's soft and breathable. ⁣It's compatible with the standard breast pumps. ⁣And, it's easy to wear. ⁣
My friends. ⁣This works.⁣ I'm so pumped (no pun intended 😉) that I have so much extra milk saved up for my precious babe. I am going on this trip worry-free and I'm excited to keep pumping more milk hands free. ⁣THANK YOU Lilu.  

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This Lilu Massage Bra is amazing!  As a breastfeeding mama, who also pumps to keep my supply up— this has really came in handy! I love it. 

It’s portable, comfortable, easy to wear, and compatible with most suction breast pumps.

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I heard about this pumping wonder-bra from Lilu that actually massages your breasts while you are pumping to help you get the most milk out of your pumping session.

First of all you all you all know I’ve had breast infections and the biggest thing that helps me avoid clogged milk ducts is massaging my breasts and not sleeping on my side.

So this massage bra was a no-brainer. I can just sit there hands free, eyes closed-so I can have a moment of peace, where all is well with the world and with my breasts

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A total game changer, especially in the first few months of breastfeeding when massaging is so crucial. 

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Never in a million years could I have imagined a multi functioning bra that is so beneficial to me. I’m super excited to be one of the first to experience the Lilu Massage Bra.

This is the very first pumping bra with automated massage to help you pump more milk, Hands-Free. Going on almost a year of pumping this bra has been revolutionary in a time where Kai is nursing less and less.

Thanks to Lilu, I'm able to keep the milk flowing! It’s not exactly the spa, but hey I’ll take any massage I can get. 

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Pumping takes a lot of my time and as much as I’d love to be able to massage every time, it’s not a reality. Multi tasking is like my best friend. ⁣

Lilu had the genius idea to create a pumping bra that actually massages while your pumping. There is a built in component that does the work and helps the milk flow as someone who is prone to plugged ducts, I’m especially grateful for the extra assistance. ⁣

Lilu is a Women’s Health company building tech-enabled devices to empower new moms. Our first product, the Lilu Massage Bra, mimics compression massage, so you can empty your breasts fully to establish, increase and maintain your milk supply. Pump up to 50% more milk each session, all while going hands-free.
Lilu Massage Bra with flanges

Lilu Massage Bra

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